May 21, 2008


There must be one million raindrops
Falling into the streets tonight.
And even the smallest possible raindrop
Is held together by its own infinite existence.
Whether any of them know it or not,
The light from a single street lamp shines
Through each of them at the same time,
Regardless of distance,
As they blaze downward shivering
All alone
In their own straight lines to earth
Longing to be born again,
Yet surrendering their lives,
With all the molecular fury in the world
Into puddles.

I can't sleep knowing there are so many of them.


Aliesha Jackman said...

are you getting ready to record again...sounds like something I've heard before. I'll have to check my ipod

Patrick Hall said...

I think you need to delete some songs from your iPod to make room for new ones. I'm hoping to record a few songs when I go to Utah in July.

Eric Harris said...

I know.....sometimes I feel like the drops are after me and I cant sleep either.

It's been a beautiful couple of days, hasn't it? I wonder if they thing they are "surrendering their lives" as you say, or if they feel unnatural and ill-at-ease in their separateness, and that the puddle is their true existence. Or maybe I'm just over-anthropomorphizing. Maybe they just "are", however they are- in freefall from the sky, or soaking thirstily into dry manure. They probably relish in each phase.

Patrick Hall said...

I don't know how to respond to that, Eric.

Eric Harris said...

Easy- smoke a bowl, throw on some Dylan, and just type away. That's how I post anyway. Sorry, you bring out the weirdness in me. I'll try and keep it down. Borrowing your Rambow post. Hope you don't mind.

Patrick Hall said...

Just make sure to give it back when you're done.

btw that Dylan movie (I'm Not There) was a huge disappointment. I sat through 35 minutes of it on Monday night before giving up on it. The Soundtrack, on the other hand, is great.

Eric Harris said...

Very sorry to hear that. Was really looking forward to watching that one.