September 30, 2008

September 26, 2008

For Those of You Still Twitterpated by Sarah Palin:

At least admit that her trustworthiness is slightly questionable after her repeated misrepresentations regarding the "Bridge to Nowhere." Don't take my word for it, just look at the facts:

September 24, 2008

September 14, 2008

September 07, 2008

September 05, 2008

I used to frequent several years ago when it was free, but I stopped using it when they started demanding money for all of their hard work. A few weeks ago, however, I took advantage of a free trial subscription, and I finally decided it was worth it to pay for an unlimited subscription. I can't believe how much the site has improved. You can literally access topographical maps and trail guides for anywhere in the United States. I'm trying to hike or mountain bike on a new trail every week for the rest of the year, so this site has essentially become a daily companion to my Book of Mormon. I realize how difficult this will be with college football already underway, but it's definitely within reach. In fact, I've already hiked or biked 5 different trails in the past 4 weeks. And the best part is that Lincoln and Noah have joined me on two of those hikes.