January 28, 2008

Mitt Romney: "Who Let the Dogs Out?"

This deserves one of the biggest lol's in the history of the Internet.

Some have speculated as to what exactly was going through Romney's head at the time:

0:06: "I am surrounded by Black people."
0:09: "Black people love rap music."
0:13: "The only rap song I vaguely recall is that 'Who Let the Dogs Out?' thing."
0:15: "If I make a reference to that, these people will like me."
0:16: "I am going to ask these Black people who let the dogs out."


Greg said...

Nice going Mitt. I wish I could hear what they said about him when he jumped back in the Lincoln Continental, "Who the hell was that?"

Rob said...

That was great. He also commented on one boy's "bling bling" a few minutes later. I give Mitt credit for the attempt. As far as candidates go, only Obama could've pulled off what Mitt was going for. Speaking of Obama, this is good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsIIptHkFxA

Sidney said...

Yo man he's the hippest!Ok so he kinda blew that, he does have awfully nice hair though, and I understand that's what a lot of people are looking for in their President.

Patrick Hall said...

Natalie and I took a poll the other day to see which candidate fit best without our stances on a range of political issues. Her #1 candidate (John Edwards) was my last-place candidate. Just further proof that we are complete opposites.

Candice said...

Wow! That just might beat the photo op of the Mittster hugging two black girls and then advising young girls not to get pregnant out of wedlock. I thought the network took it out of context but after seeing that clip I'm not so sure.